Our teams found ways to care for others during the holiday season.
The holidays are a season of giving, especially to those who are less fortunate or who have fallen on hard times. In the spirit of the season, each year Guardian provides funding for our branches and departments and encourages them to find members and organizations in need. Over the years, the generosity, kindness and thoughtfulness of our Guardian teams have touched the lives of so many and filled our hearts with the joy of giving at the same time.
With the extra funding, Guardian was able to make Christmas magical for several of our members and organizations throughout the community. Each department was given the opportunity to seek someone or something that they felt was important to support. Many families were “adopted” to fulfill Christmas lists for children through organizations such as The Family Promise Center and the Salvation Army, as well as several Guardian members that we knew could use a little extra love this holiday season.
The Titles, Loan Processing and Compliance Departments were able to collectively help two families get caught up on daycare payments while the Wetumpka branch helped an elderly Guardian member clear up an overdue electric bill.
We were also happy to help organizations like Family Sunshine Center and the homeless veterans at the Veteran’s Administration by providing baskets of everyday necessities. "Homeless veterans pull on my heartstrings," Charis, Lending Manager said, "and I wanted to make sure they were taken care of during Christmas and well after. The team agreed and jumped in to help pack up the care packages to be delivered."
These are just a few of the ways we were able to make Christmas a little more special for the members of Guardian Credit Union and the communities we serve.